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Unlocking creativity in kids post lockdown

by Tamara Gulic Phoenix

“It is time to recognise the powerful contribution the arts can make to health and wellbeing.”

Hon. Lord Howarth

The therapeutic value of creative arts is well researched and documented. Based on the figures in the UK, 82% of people in London, who engaged in a creative activity, reported greater wellbeing. They were less stressed. They even ate better and engaged in more physical activity! Studies in the US and Australia echo these figures. Art is a powerful tool to get people in a state of wellness and mindfulness.

How do we unlock this self-healing ability in our kids?

1. Tap into their natural curiosities.

Creative self expression looks different for everyone. Some may draw and paint, others dance, sing, cook, write or take photographs... The list is endless. Nurture the thing that makes them tick.

2. Build on their interests.

For example if you have a child that loves dancing, look at images and footage of different types of dancers - classical, traditional and contemporary. Encourage them to draw the dancers, create costumes for them, build a set, rehearse a real performance. They can also use their toys to stage a dance show. Before you know it, your child has gone from being a dancer to a director, choreographer, costume designer, set and prop maker... Along the way they will make discoveries that might set them on new paths.

3. Take them out in nature.

You don’t necessarily need art materials. Artists like Andy Goldsworthy and Michael Grab create breathtaking installations in nature using sticks, rocks and leaves. See links below to be blown away by their works.

4. Get creative together.

Children learn best by observing and mirroring their parents /caretakers. Set up an art activity and start creating, even if your child is reluctant at first. Curiosity will get the better of them. Give your child encouragement and be mindful not to take over the activity. Just be present in that moment with them. Cleaning up is an important part of learning, so involve them in that too.

5. Enroll your child in a creative group activity.

Creativity thrives in community, amongst friends, peers, with people to learn alongside and get inspired by. In a visual art class, dance, drama or creative writing class, kids get the benefit of social interaction, community building and professional guidance.

Creative Ark offers art classes that combine art, science and self-care for children and adults. Book a FREE trial class today.

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